:  DeLucia2006a_SDSS2MASS

This table contains SDSS and 2MASS observer frame magnitudes for the galaxy catalogue in the DeLucia2006a table in this same database.

galaxyID long meta.id;meta.main ID of galaxy, unique within simulation and SAM run. This ID is the same as that in the DeLucia2006a table.
snapnum int time The snapshot number where this galaxy was identified.
This column corresponds to the snapnum column in the Snapshots table in MField.
u_sdss float Absolute observer frame SDSS u magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
g_sdss float Absolute observer frame SDSS g magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
r_sdss float Absolute observer frame SDSS r magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
i_sdss float Absolute observer frame SDSS i magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
z_sdss float Absolute observer frame SDSS z magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
J_2mass float Absolute observer frame 2MASS J magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
H_2mass float Absolute observer frame 2MASS H magnitude (AB), dust extinction included
K_2mass float Absolute observer frame 2MASS K magnitude (AB), dust extinction included