2  :  Data sets

The table on this page lists all the databases and tables available to registered users. A short description of their contents and links to pages with more detailed information are provided.

Raw data
Simulation particles
MMSnapshots..MillimilSnapshots Particles from millimil simulation
Density fields
millimil..MMField millimil density field, 323 cells, + smoothing
MField..MField Millennium density field, 2563 cells, + smoothing
Halo catalogues
Friends-of-friends (FOF) groups
millimil..FOF millimil FOF groups
MField..FOF Millennium FOF groups
MillenniumII..FOF Millennium-II FOF groups
SUBFIND subhalos
millimil..fofsubhalo links between millimil subhalos and FOF groups, for information about details subhalos see millimil..MPAHalo.
MField..fofsubhalo Subhalos with pointer to containing FOF groups, for information about details subhalos see millimil..MPAHalo.
Halo-particle links
MMSnapshots..MillimilSnapshotIds links between particles and FOF groups and Subahlos ()
Halo merger trees
SUBFIND merger trees
millimil..MPAHalo SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from millimil simulation.
MPAHaloTrees..MHalo SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium simulation.
miniMilII..HaloTree SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from mini-Millennium-II simulation.
MillenniumII..HaloTree SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium-II simulation.
MPAHaloTrees..MR SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium simulation, updated version of MPAHaloTrees..MHalo
MPAHaloTrees..MRII SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium-II simulation, updated version of MillenniumII..HaloTree
MPAHaloTrees..MR7 SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium-WMAP7 simulation
MPAHaloTrees..MRscWMAP7 SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium simulation, scaled to WMAP7 cosmology.
MPAHaloTrees..MRIIscWMAP7 SUBFIND subhalo merger trees from Millennium-II simulation, scaled to WMAP7 cosmology.
Durham (D)Halo merger trees
DHaloTrees..DHalo Durham halo merger trees from Millennium simulation.
DHaloTrees..DSubHalo Link between Durham halo merger trees and SUBFIND subhalos.
Semi-analytical galaxy catalogues
MPA model: L-Galaxies
MPAGalaxies..DeLucia2006a Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on millimil halo trees in as described in DeLucia & Blaizot (2007).
MPAGalaxies..DeLucia2006a Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on Millennium halo trees in as described in DeLucia & Blaizot (2007).
MPAGalaxies..Bertone2007a Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on Millennium halo trees in as described in Bertone etal (2007).
Guo2010a..mMR Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on millimil halo trees in as described in Guo etal (2011).
Guo2010a..MR Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on Millennium halo trees in as described in Guo etal (2011).
Guo2010a..MRII Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on Millennium-II halo trees in as described in Guo etal (2011).
Guo2010a..mMRII Galaxy merger trees run with L-Galaxies on mini-Millennium-II halo trees in as described in Guo etal (2011).
Guo2013a..MR Galaxy merger trees run on original Millennium halo trees with L-Galaxies version described in Guo etal (2013).
Guo2013a..MRII Galaxy merger trees run on original Millennium-II halo trees with L-Galaxies version described in Guo etal (2013).
Guo2013a..MR Galaxy merger trees run on Millennium-WMAP7 halo trees with L-Galaxies version described in Guo etal (2013).
Guo2013a..MRscWMAP7 Galaxy merger trees run on Millennium halo trees scaled to WMAP7 cosmology with L-Galaxies version described in Guo etal (2013).
Guo2013a..MRIIscWMAP7 Galaxy merger trees run on Millennium-II halo trees scaled to WMAP7 cosmology with L-Galaxies version described in Guo etal (2013).
Durham model: GalForm
DGalaxies..Bower2006a Galaxy merger trees run with GalForm on Millennium halo trees in as described in Bower etal (2007).
Light-cone catalogues
MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006a - MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006f
MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006a_Johnson - MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006f_Johnson
MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006a_SDSS - MPAMocks..Kitzbichler2006f_SDSS
1.4ox1.4o Light-cone "mock" catalogues as described in Kitzbichler & White (2007). Based on semi-analytics catalogue in MPAGalaxies..DeLucia2006a
MPAMocks..Blaizot2006_AllSky_PT_1 (periodic)
MPAMocks..Blaizot2006_AllSky_RT_1 - MPAMocks..Blaizot2006_AllSky_RT_5 (random shifts)
6 all-sky light-cone catalogues created using the MoMaF algorithm of Jeremy Blaizot described in Blaizot etal (2005). Based on semi-analytics catalogue in MPAGalaxies..DeLucia2006a. Depth comparable to the spectral sample in SDSS.
MPAMocks..Cosmos_012_000 etc 24 1.4ox1.4o Light-cone "mock" catalogues as described in Kitzbichler & White (2007). The semi-analytics catalogue on which these cones are based ar NOT in the database. These cones have been used by the COSMOS collaboration in various papers.
Henriques2012a Database with 2x24 1.4ox1.4o pencil beam and 2 all-sky light-cone "mock" catalogues as described in Henriques etal (2012). Based on semi-analytics catalogue in Guo2010a..MR. Catalogues exists for different stellar population synthesis models.