To retrieve information about the galaxies one can join the lightcones with the Guo2010a..MR database
as in the following example:
select c.*, g.stellarmass, g.coldgas
from Henriques2012a.wmap1.M05_001 c
, Guo2010a..MR g
where g.galaxyid = c.galid
which gives the properties in the lightcone plus Stellar and Cold Gas Mass for all the galaxies in the lightcone.
Galaxy number counts for the B-band (Fig. 2 in henriques et al. 2012a)
select .5*(.5+floor(B/.5)) as B,
count(*) as num
from Henriques2012a.wmap1.M05_001
where B < 30.0
group by floor(B/.5)
order by 1
(divide num by 0.5*1.4*1.4 (bin*deg2) to obtain the same normalization as in henriques et al. 2012a)
Redshift distribution of galaxies for a Ks-band limited sample (observed Ks<23.3) (Fig. 3 in henriques et al. 2012a)
select .5*(.5+floor(z_geo/.5)) as z_geo,
count(*) as num
from Henriques2012a.wmap1.M05_001
where Ks < 23.3
group by floor(z_geo/.5)
order by 1
(divide num by 0.5*1.4*1.4*3600. (bin*arcmin2) to obtain the same normalization as in henriques et al. 2012a)
Reat-Frame B-Band Luminosity Function (Fig. 4 in henriques et al. 2012a)
select .5*(.5+floor(B/.5)) as B
count(*) as
from Henriques2012a.wmap1_rest.M05_001
where z_geo > 0.2 and z_geo < 0.4 and B < -15.0
group by floor(B/.5)
order by 1
(divide num by 0.5*volume to obtain the same normalization as in henriques et al. 2012a,
volume=5.86e5 Mpc3/h3 (0.2<z<0.4), volume=1.32e6 Mpc3/h3 (0.4<z<0.6),
volume=6.27e6 Mpc3/h3 (0.8<z<1.2),
volume=1.57e7 Mpc3/h3 (1.3<z2<.0), volume=5.02e5 Mpc3/h3 (2.5<z<3.5))
Reat-Frame K-Band Luminosity Function (Fig. 4 in henriques et al. 2012a)
select .5*(.5+floor(K/.5)) as K
count(*) as
from Henriques2012a.wmap1_rest.M05_001
where z_geo > 0.2 and z_geo < 0.4 and K < -15.0
group by floor(K/.5)
order by 1
(divide num by 0.5*volume to obtain the same normalization as in henriques et al. 2012a,
volume=8.32e5 Mpc3/h3 (0.25<z<0.75), volume=1.95e6 Mpc3/h3 (0.75<z<1.25),
volume=2.67e6 Mpc3/h3 (1.25<z<1.75),
volume=3.01e6 Mpc3/h3 (1.75<z<2.25), volume=3.08e6 Mpc3/h3 (2.75<z<3.25))
Rest-frame galaxy colours for a flux limited sample (observed K<23.0) (Fig. 6 in henriques et al. 2012a)
select b.U, b.V, b.J,
from Henriques2012a.wmap1_rest.M05_001 a,
Henriques2012a.wmap1.M05_001 b
where b.GalID=a.GalID and a.K < 23.0