:  Guo2010a

The table Guo2010a stores the results of running the L-Galaxies code version described in Guo etal (2010) on the halo merger trees in the milli-Millennium simulation. This table is a copy of the table mMR in the database Guo2010a, available for registered users only.

galaxyIDbigintmeta.id;meta.main The unique identifier of this galaxy. Built from the topologically sorted merger tree as described in
haloIDbigintmeta.id.parent The haloId of the subhalo (in the appropriate halo table) containing this galaxy.
firstProgenitorIdbigintmeta.id.assoc Id of the main progenitor of this galaxy. Strictly galaxyId+1 iff lastProgenitorId > galaxyId, else -1
nextProgenitorIdbigintmeta.id.assoc galaxyId of next progenitor of this galaxy in the linked list structure used to facilitate traversing trees in code.
lastProgenitorIdbigintmeta.id.assocThe galaxyId of the last progenitor of this galaxy in the topological ordering used to assign galaxyId-s as described in TBD
fofCentralIdbigintmeta.id.assocThe galaxy id of the central galaxy of the FOF group this galaxy is in.
treeIdbigintmeta.id.parentUnique id of galaxy formation tree containing this galaxy. Note that this treeId does not identify merger trees but thelarger structures defining galaxy formation units.
The following equality holds:
treeId = 1000000*floor(galaxyId/1000000).
descendantIdbigintmeta.id.assocgalaxyId of the descendant of this galaxy in its merger tree.
mainLeafIDbigintmeta.id.assocgalaxyId of the leaf on the main branch this galaxy is part of. Obtained by following firstProgenitorId as far as it goes.
treeRootIDbigintmeta.id.assocThe galaxyId of the galaxy at the root of the merger tree this galaxy is in. Especially useful for speeding up queries for descendants for a given progenitor. See TBD for an example.
subHaloIDbigintmeta.idId of the subhalo containing this galaxy, as given by the column subhaloId in the millimil..FOFSubHalo table. Alternative to haloId.
fofIDbigintmeta.id.assocThe subhaloId (see previous column) of the subhalo at the center of the FOF group containing this galaxy.
phkeyintThe Peano-Hilbert index of the cell this galaxy is in, in the 323 grid stored in millimil..MMField.
redshiftrealtimeThe redshift corresponding to the snapnum (in millimil..Snapshots) for this galaxy.
typeintsrc.classType indicating whether galaxy is at center of FOF group (type=0), at center of subhalo that is not at center of its FOF gorup (type=1), or is a setellite that has lost its subhalo (type=2).
snapnuminttimeSnapshot index, from 0-63.
centralMvirrealphys.veloc.dispersion1010 Msun/h[description]
xrealpos.cartesian.xMpc/hX-component of position of galaxy.
yrealpos.cartesian.yMpc/hY-component of position of galaxy.
zrealpos.cartesian.zMpc/hZ-component of position of galaxy.
velXrealphys.velockm/sThe X-component of the physical peculiar velocity of the galaxy.
velYrealphys.velockm/sThe Y-component of the physical peculiar velocity of the galaxy.
velZrealphys.velockm/sThe Z-component of the physical peculiar velocity of the galaxy.
npintmeta.numberNumber of particles of the subhalo this galaxy is in.
mvirrealphys.mass1010 Msun/hVirial mass of the FOF group this galaxy was in when last it was a type 0 galaxy. I.e. current mass for type 0 galaxies, "infall mass" for type 1,2 galaxies.
rvirrealphys.size.radiusMpc/hVirial radius of the FOF group this galaxy was in when last it was a type 0 galaxy. I.e. current Rvir for type 0 galaxies, "infall rvir" for type 1,2 galaxies
vvirrealphys.velockm/sVirial velocity of the subhalo the galaxy is/was the center of.
vmaxrealphys.veloc.rotatkm/sMaximum rotational velocity of the subhalo of which this galaxy is the center, or the last value for satellite galaxies.
gasSpinXrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the cold gas disk
gasSpinYrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the cold gas disk
gasSpinZrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the cold gas disk
stellarSpinXrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the stellar disk
stellarSpinYrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the stellar disk
stellarSpinZrealphys.veloc.angMpc/h km/sThe X-component of the spin of the stellar disk
infallVmaxrealphys.veloc.rotatkm/sMaximum rotational velocity of the host halo of this galaxy at infallSnap.
infallSnapinttimeMost recent (largest) snapnum at which this galaxy's type changed from 0 to 1 or 2
hotRadiusrealphys.size.radiusMpc/hRadius out to which hot gas extends: rvir for type 0; 0 for type 2; maximum radius out to which hot gas is not stripped for type 1.
oriMergeTimereal[UCD]1339.77 Gyr Estimated dyniamical friction time when the merger clock is set (in internal units of the code).
mergeTimereal[UCD]1339.77 Gyr Estimated remaining merging time. oriMergeTime - time since the merger clock is set.
coldGasrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in cold gas disk.
stellarMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hTotal mass in stars in disk and bulge together.
bulgeMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass of stars in bulge.
hotGasrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in hot gas.
ejectedMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hThe ejected mass component (see de Lucia et al., 2004, MNRAS, Volume 349, 1101-1116).
blackHoleMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass of central black hole.
icmStellarMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in intra-cluster stars
metalsColdGasrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in cold gas.
metalsStellarMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in stars.
metalsBulgeMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in stars in bulge.
metalsHotGasrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in hot gas.
metalsEjectedMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in the ejected mass component.
metalsICMStellarMassrealphys.mass1010 Msun /hMass in metals in intra-cluster stars
sfrrealphys.SFRMsun/yrStar formation rate
sfrBulgerealphys.SFRMsun/yrStar formation rate in bulge.
xrayLumrealem.X-Raylog10(erg/sec)Log10 of X-Ray luminosity in erg/sec
bulgeSizerealphys.size.radiusMpc/hHalf mass radius of bulge
stellarDiskRadiusrealphys.size.radiusMpc/hSize of the stellar disk, 3x the scale length.
gasDiskRadiusrealphys.size.radiusMpc/hSize of the gas disk, 3x the scale length.
disruptionOnint0: galaxy merged onto merger center;
1: galaxy was disrupted before merging onto its descendant, matter went into ICM of merger center
mergeOnint0: merger clock not set yet;
1: type 1 galaxy with baryon mass > halo mass, separate dynamical friction time calculated
2: this galaxy is type 2 and will merge into the merger center in the next snapshot
3: this galaxy is type 1 and will merge into the central galaxy of the main halo in the next snapshot
coolingRadiusrealphys.size.radiusMpc/hThe radius within which the cooling time scale is shorter than the dynamical timescale
u_magrealphot.mag;em.opt.URest frame total absolute magnitudes, SDSS u band.
g_magrealphot.mag;em.opt.BRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS g band.
r_magrealphot.mag;em.opt.RRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS r band.
i_magrealphot.mag;em.opt.IRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS i band.
z_magrealphot.mag;em.optRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS z band.
uBulgerealphot.mag;em.opt.URest frame absolute magnitude of bulge, SDSS u band.
gBulgerealphot.mag;em.opt.BRest frame absolute magnitude of bulge, SDSS g band.
rBulgerealphot.mag;em.opt.RRest frame absolute magnitude of bulge, SDSS r band.
iBulgerealphot.mag;em.opt.IRest frame absolute magnitude of bulge, SDSS i band.
zBulgerealphot.mag;em.optRest frame absolute magnitude of bulge, SDSS z band.
uDustrealphot.mag;em.opt.URest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS u band, dust extinction included.
gDustrealphot.mag;em.opt.BRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS g band, dust extinction included.
rDustrealphot.mag;em.opt.RRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS r band, dust extinction included.
iDustrealphot.mag;em.opt.IRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS i band, dust extinction included.
zDustrealphot.mag;em.optRest frame total absolute magnitude, SDSS z band, dust extinction included.
massweightedAgerealtime.age109yrThe age of this galaxy, weighted by mass of its components.
uICLrealphot.mag;em.opt.URest frame absolute magnitude of ICL, SDSS u band.
gICLrealphot.mag;em.opt.BRest frame absolute magnitude of ICL, SDSS i band
rICLrealphot.mag;em.opt.RRest frame absolute magnitude of ICL, SDSS i band
iICLrealphot.mag;em.opt.IRest frame absolute magnitude of ICL, SDSS i band
zICLrealphot.mag;em.optRest frame absolute magnitude of ICL, SDSS i band